2024-01-10 10:13:39 -

2024-01-26 13:29:21 -

2024-01-02 12:56:33 -

2024-01-16 19:15:46 -

2024-01-23 18:08:40 -

2024-01-01 19:27:51 -

2024-01-10 21:38:13 -

2024-01-06 12:23:17 -
非常喜欢 值得购买 京东物流很给力

2024-01-02 20:57:53 -

2024-01-23 22:31:13 -
给父亲节的礼物,爸爸很喜欢第二次给爸爸买了! 材质手感:质量很好,推荐大家购买!材质和牛皮一样,软硬适中。 适用人群:适用于青,中,老年都可佩戴!

Themazicc Clothing - Fenrir Gold Thicken Stand-Collar Jacket

All Over Print Thicken Stand-Collar Jacket

This comfortable unisex bomber jacket is an all-purpose work jacket that is perfect in warm and cold weather. Its comfortable and unisex cut is suitable for both men and women. And the unique pattern of high-quality print let you be the scenery in the crowd.

  • Great material. The polyester material is skin-friendly.
  • Regular fit. Loose-fitting design maximizes comfort.
  • Soft sleeve cuffs and hem. Elastic and soft sleeve cuffs for fashion and comfort.
  • High-quality print. Make unique patterns with high-quality print.


Size - S,M,L,XL,2XL,3XL,4XL,5XL

On my 2nd pair. 1st pair lasted 3yrs of heavy wearing.
- Liberia

Great shoe for me on my feet all-day long on concrete very good .
- Singapore

I have been wearing this model shoe for years and they are very comfortable.
- Singapore

This is second pair purchased. Finally found a shoe to fit somewhat hard to fit feet.
- Liberia

Excellent shoe. Width availability makes the fit very comfortable. I have bought this shoe 4 times.
- Guam

Fit same as a dress shoe size. Didn't need to order 1/2 size bigger which I usually have to do with Nike shoes.
- Singapore

Cut slits in insole to get to air pillow and sift in some foot powder, baby powder, etc to get rid of squeaking. Real easy fix.
- Singapore

Husband has very wide feet (12EEE) and these wide Nikes are a "dream" to wear. He loves them! This is about pair #4. He also has these in color black.
- Switzerland

Love these shoes, finally found shoes wide enough for my feet. The regular size of these shoes are comfortable but a bit tight. The wides are like walking barefoot.
- Switzerland

These shoes are great! These are wide enough not to cramp your toes. The arch support is so good, you won't need orthotics. Shoes are durable, good grip and light weight! Glad I found them. This is my second pair.
- Switzerland